I need to download a driver for a 3Com 3C905 NIC that will work with 64 bit. 3C905 driver for 64 bit win. And Win7 using the Windows XP drivers.
Rapidshare Gilles Peterson. This NIC is installed on a Compaq 4550 running Windows 95 OSR2. I found and installed the drivers from 3Com.
I bought a crossover cable for $4.28. I tried to setup a LAN with my Windows XP. I know that swamp is deep. I think that I followed all the TCP/IP instuctions, ect.
I can't ping from either computer without an error message. This is not a crisis but an affirmation of giant advacements.
I read somewhere on the Internet that this adapter will not work if installed on Windows XP. Does this also mean XP cannot recognize it on the Windows 95? I'm going to donate the 4550 to my friend's computer club, so it's not a total loss if they install a modem(other stuff too) and someone can peek at the Internet. The XP system displays the connect and sends the packets(none received) before the timeout stops the connection.
The ping utility gives 'IP DEST HOST UNREACHABLE' message. The Win 95 system (from ping IP address of remote machine) gives 'Bad IP address IP'.
I guess at this stage it doesn't matter that the Network user is logged on and the Neigborhood Network displays the computer name and shared file. The WINIPCFG displays the fixed address of the TCP/IP. It's almost like I know what I'm doing but that's not true! Two years ago I built a retro Win98se computer and tried to install ISA 3COM NIC. It would not work.
I ended up using a PCI version of the same card and still had to setup 2 hardware profiles so the IRQs would not conflict with the ISA modem, USB wireless adapter and ISA Sound Blaster card(if my memory holds I believe you are the person who talked me through that ordeal). I still have to adjust the IRQ of the sound card when running in DOS.
The win95 computers I used in the past came with the NICS installed and not much else(a 5.25 floppy, no CDROM). I got them just by filling out a form and taking them home form work. I guess I missed out on the fun of non shared IRQs.
2 of these computers are now set up with Win98(I believe that win98 install saw the cards and just carried over the correct settings). I left one still running Win95 (it has the SB CDROM drive from Panasonic that is more a SCSI than IDE). I believe you are the person who warned me about these kinds of drives. Because of your heads up I was finally able to setup the CDROM drive to work in DOS.
I'm going to look into 'Will a win95 computer talk to an XP computer over a LAN?' My guess is 'NO'. Computer talk to an XP computer over a LAN?' ----Yes it can. This leads me to ask?How is one to tell the ISA NIC is not working?? Here is why I ask.
Long ago and far away, I installed a 3COM ISA NIC into a Win98se Compaq desktop computer. I had to change the IRQ/address around to fix the conflicts during the install and all seemed well.
The card worked and I was able to share files, printers, an internet connection over my Win98se based LAN, but when I went to use/share the CDROM drives in the Compaq that had the ISA NIC installed, the drives no longer worked. I ended up removing the ISA NIC an installing a PCI version of the NIC before I was able to get the CD drives working again. In this case the NIC was working but the install process had caused a conflict which disabled the CD drives, bottom line the install failed and had to be redone using PCI hardware to restore full function of the computer. Hum, does this mean that because the original poster(janal95) did not indicate a problem with IRQs that the ISA NIC install has failed or the card itself is defective? The reasons I followed up on the old CDROM drive (you are correct, the interface was referenced to as MKE Panasonic) was I have one, it might have been a work around for the IDE CDROM drive problem discussed above, or an old computer with no more slots, and just the fact that I hated having a CDROM drive that wouldn?t work in DOS. I now have it working in DOS using the drivers from file 56x_dos.exe which I downloaded from Panasonic not Sound Blaster.