Contact Information We would like to thank you for your interest in our business, and are looking forward to assisting you in whatever way you may require. Please read the following information fully, so that we can serve you best. • Please note – IMPORTANT – that we are a regional dealership, and not the Baldwin company itself.
Hi all organ-fans out there. I would like to help a friend with his BALDWIN ORGA-SONIC 71 organ. It has a fairly low volume. I have no schematics or service-manual to. Baldwin Orga-sonic Model 71P Organ, circa 1961 (tube amp, tube tone converter) - Duration: 6:13.
• We have connections with service technicians who work in approximately a 150-mile radius of Herrin, IL. • Outside of that area, your best route for service, instrument appraisals, manuals, replacement parts, and all other concerns will be to contact your local instrument dealership. • We do not stock replacement parts, owners manuals, or service manuals for older instruments; your best route for those items are a local instrument technician. To find a local piano tuner or instrument technician, feel free to check with either the Piano Technicians Guild at, or for electronic instrument technicians, the MITA Techs website. For Customers within Our Service Area Service If your instrument requires service, whether it be tuning, a repair, or regulation, we will be happy to refer you to a technician, if you are within our support area. Since most instruments are very heavy and hard to transport, all service work is typically performed on-site wherever the instrument is located. If you have an instrument in need of repair, please feel free to contact one of the technicians listed at the right side of this section.
Cost Accounting Book By Jain And Narang. Instrument Valuation If you are interested in receiving information on the approximate value of your current instrument, please note that we are unable to valuations over the phone. It is impossible to arrive at even a ballpark recommendation on the value of an instrument without having a technician examine the instrument. Even instruments that have been tuned on a regular basis may have underlying regulation issues that can cost significantly to have them repaired. Our recommendation is to speak with a technician, listed at the right side.
Please note that not all technicians will offer appraisal services. The valuation process of an instrument is as detailed and intricate as finding the true trade-in value of an automobile. The majority of the factors that contribute to the value of an instrument are not apparent to the naked eye. An excellent finish to the exterior, a “good” sound, or the instrument having been taken care of very well are only a few things taken into consideration when valuing an instrument. Things like the finish, the current market demand for the instrument, and the value of the brand itself influence cash value.
Manuals and Replacement Parts We receive as many as 20-30 calls a week regarding owners / service manuals and replacement parts for instruments. Please note that we are a Baldwin dealer, and not the Baldwin company. As such, certain requests for information on past Baldwin organ / keyboard products or replacement parts may be out of our range or ability to answer. This includes owners manuals, replacement parts, and other related items. These questions should be addressed to the Baldwin company through their, or via phone at 1-800-4GIBSON (1-800-444-2766). Other Concerns If your questions have NOT been answered by any of the preceding information, you are welcome to contact us! For your convenience, there are several ways to get in contact with us. • By phone: 618-942-5115 • By email: Our hours of normal operation are as follows.
• Sunday: CLOSED • Monday: CLOSED • Tuesday: 9:00AM – 5:ooPM • Wednesday: 9:00AM – 5:ooPM • Thursday: 9:00AM – 5:ooPM • Friday: 9:00AM – 5:ooPM • Saturday: 9:00AM – 3:ooPM.
Baldwin Organ Page BALDWIN ORGANS Dwight Hamilton Baldwin, a teacher of organ, piano and violin, opened a music store in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1857. In 1862, he founded Decker Brothers Piano dealership and hired Lucien Wulsin, who became a partner in 1873 and the company name was changed to D. Baldwin & Company. Dwight Baldwin then merged the Hamilton Organ Company, a manufacturer of reed organs, and the conglomerate became the Baldwin Piano Company. Their first piano, an upright, was produced in 1891, and their first grand piano in 1895. Dwight Baldwin died in 1899 and Wulsin continued the shift of the company from retail to manufacture. Baldwin went on to become one of the most famous names in pianos.
In 1935, Baldwin began experimentation in the electronic generation of musical tone. During World War II, Baldwin manufactured military aircraft subassemblies. In 1946, Baldwin released to market its first electronic organ, the Model 5.