Can CFS2 work with Windows 7? I would sure appreciate some knowledgable feedback, as simply surfing this topic online has led me all over the map. Can CFS2 be configured/installed to work properly with Win7, including a force feedback joystick and rudder pedals? I do have an XP machine, which I could dedicate to gaming.
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2. I had been flying Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator. IF IT WILL RUN ON YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM.I HAVE WINDOWS 7 HOME.
However, if I can get CFS2 to work with Win 7, I would like to donate the XP machine so that someone in need of it can use it for general computing. After all my seaarching, to whoever may be out there and can truly answer this question, I thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Janice Larkin[/b][/b]. I understand your consternation for two reasons: CFS2 is a unique FS and as you've already found out, to get reliable info of whether or not W7 will run CFS2 is nearly impossible to come. Here is Microsoft's 'enlightening' revelation concerning Compatibility mode: Well, pathetic in my mind, we all knew that anyway. What irks me is that they make no mention of the fact that in order to use Compatibility mode you MUST use one of the flagship W7 versions. A friend found this out the hard way when he bought a new computer equipped with W7 Home Premium and couldn't even run FS2004.
After all the rubbish I read in all kinds of forums on this topic since your original post, I am convinced that your best and safest course of action would be to take out free membership with SOH (Sim Outhouse) and ask the folks over there. This might sound far-fetched if your not familiar with SOH. I can assure you though, if your interest in CFS2 and other Combat simulators for that matter persists, you will sooner rather than later end up at SOH. Thanks a lot, folks.
Smartart Untuk Powerpoint there. I really appreciate your replies. And yes, it is unfortunate that this issue is so opaque!