A few ways to execute commands remotely using SSH. In this article I describe a few ways to execute commands on a remote host using SSH. No askpass program. Catia Plm Express V6 2013 Installation.
Is there a way to structure a single command to login via SSH to a remote server and run a program on the remote login shell? In the OpenSSH manual, it reads 'If command is specified, it is executed on the remote host instead of a login shell.' So, for example, ssh user@server mail will login to the remote server, display the mailbox status, and then return you to the local shell. Is there a way to stay on the remote shell after displaying the mail status? Leap Office Oriya For Windows 7 here. Furthermore, ssh user@server [command] does not seem to work if the command is a program, for example vim or mutt. Is there a way to login to the remote shell and run a program while staying in the remote shell during the program and after exiting the program, only finally exiting upon a specific logout command (just like in a normal SSH session)?
I would eventually like to be able to put such a command as an alias in the local.bashrc, so that it could be run quickly when desired. An example would be to login via SSH to a remote server and open mutt on the remote server to read or send email.
I would like to actually ssh into a machine (not remotely execute a command like ssh -i key.pem user@host 'bash -s'. If you pass a command in the arguments ssh runs non-interactively; $ ssh -t user@localhost echo foo user@localhost's password: foo Connection to localhost closed. A solution is to replace the non-interactive shell with an interactive shell in the command passed to ssh: $ ssh -t user@localhost 'echo foo; exec zsh' user@localhost's password: foo% In your case, to replace the non-interactive shell e.g. With an interactive Bash instance: import os os.system('xterm -e ssh -tt -i key.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@ip_address 'yRouter/src/yrouter --interactive=1 user; exec bash'). Igi 4 The Mark Game.