Coax Calculator

Taktenna Antenna Project - N6. PETThe Build: I built an experimental antenna similar to the TAK- tenna spiral antenna and was evaluated for SWR response over the. More Ham Radio - Antenna Design Program images.

Rise Of Nations Gold Edition Rar here. Over the years, QST magazine has had more articles on antennas than any other subject. This is probably because your antenna, although it can be the least expensive, easiest to construct component of your station, can have the greatest effect on performance. Over the course of their Amateur Radio 'careers,' most hams enjoy trying a number of different antennas at their stations. Most hams change antennas more often than they buy new rigs!

This page links you to many different antenna articles and pages on the ARRL web site. The menu on the left provides links to other pages and even more articles and links you can try.

You can also select from the links below to some of the more popular antenna pages. • QST June 2001, p. 91 A well dressed climber should wear a belt and a safety harness. • by Kazimierz Siwiak, KE4PT QST June 2011 pp 33-35 • QST November 1998, pp. 54-56 The solution to 'getting out better' is not necessarily 'more power'.. • QST June 1960, pp.

38-40 Crud and rust can be a real detriment to the performance of your antenna. Here are some procedures to make it look (and work) like new again. • QST July 1958, pp. Usblyzer 1.6 Keygen on this page. 35-37 Step-by-step tuning of a gamma matched Yagi antenna and other thoughts on installation.