Title - Illbleed (イルブリード) Maker - Crazy Games (Climax Graphics) Catalogue No. - T-45601M Type - Virtual Horror Land (Survival Horror) You've got to give the guys over at Crazy Games (previously known as Climax Graphics) credit for this one.
While the controls are a bit stiff the graphics are very well done and the game is well presented. Basically this is sort of like many sub games in one. The story goes that you've been invited to Michael Reynolds Horror land and if you can pass through each of his 'Attractions' without dieing, you will be rewarded millions of dollars. Some sub games are like Bio Hazard were you have to solve puzzles to progress while others are pure action. In the last section you take the form of a toy doll that strikes a remarkable resemblance to Woody from Toy Story and you end up battling with a giant Sonic look-a-like.
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Great humor (all speech is in English), gore and action, what more could you ask for?
•: March 29, 2001 •: April 16, 2001 •: January 15, 2002, Mode(s) Illbleed is a video game developed by Crazy Games (formerly known as 'Climax Graphics') and published by Crazy Games in Japan and AIA in the US for the. It was released in Japan on March 29, 2001, and later in North America on April 16, 2001. Illbleed is also the only Dreamcast game which had an official Chinese version, released on January 15, 2002 by publisher Mr.Game. Shiva Ashtottara Shatanamavali Pdf. A Hong Kong game magazine at the time was responsible for the translation work. After numerous delays and rumours of cancellation, the Traditional Chinese version was finally released 10 months after the original Japanese release. Only 300 copies were released in Taiwan and it only came in a boxset, which included the outer box, the game itself and a 2002 calendar in a CD jewel case.
The official Chinese name of Illbleed roughly translates to 'Entering the haunted realm'. Despite being financially unsuccessful, this game received a worldwide cult following for its notable combination of nonlinear gameplay elements (e.g. Trap detection) and bizarre B-movie style comedy horror theme, dialogue and voice acting. Contents • • • • • • • • Gameplay [ ] The gameplay of Illbleed differs from other survival horror games. The player is encouraged to not rush through the level, but to slowly walk from place to place, looking around and at the environment.
Using a tool named the Horror Monitor that consumes the player's adrenaline, the player can mark various places suspected of being a trap. These traps burn, slice, scare, and hit the player in various different ways, resulting in blood loss, rise of pulse, and lowered stamina, meaning that in addition to the enemies, the environment itself is a significant threat. The player is given tools and items to prevent the character from bleeding to death, running out of strength or adrenaline, or being scared to death. If the player fails to keep the character alive through the course of the level, they must be revived outside of the level and continue the level with another character. Beckwith M-3425a Instruction Manual. If the player runs out of characters, the game ends. When engaging enemies, the player is not allowed to exit the battlefield until the enemies are cleared out. If the player tries to go beyond the battlefield, it will flash blue.
In some cases, the battlefield has a smaller green square with a letter 'H' on it; a helicopter hovers over the area (even indoors and when a concrete roof is above you in 'the homerun of death'). The player may attempt an escape by standing on the green square and pushing the B button repeatedly to call for help. Successful escape clears out the enemies. A character has four senses: sight, hearing, smell and sixth sense. Each time the player gets near items or traps, one or multiple senses will register on the meter located on the top of the screen these senses are indicated like a heart monitor.
The player may utilize the horror monitor, which consumes adrenaline, to mark the spots suspected of hoarding items, traps or lurking enemies. Any spot marked will display a glowing blue orb, which the player can survey. Some traps will be successfully defused this way, and the spent adrenaline will be returned to the character. Items may be found throughout levels, purchased at Bloody Mary Drugstores located in the amusement park, or obtained as the plot unfolds. Some items restore, reduce or raise the upper limit of certain character stats; unused items will be carried to the next level.