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A look inside Venusian Arts' Revelation eBook by Mystery, the top rated pick up artist learning manual. Nandpro 2 0d Music. What's inside and a critical review explains what it teaches about picking up women and what it doesn't. We answer 'Is this book the real deal? What will you learn? What is the bad and the good of what you will learn from it - and what won't you learn. The bottom line - we answer Is it worth buying?'

In this review we look at Venusian Arts' Revelation Book (or eBook), which is the latest edition of Mystery's approach to picking up women. Previous editions written by mystery included the Venusian Arts Handbook and The Mystery Method. In both he exposes his M3 Model, negs, gambits, routines, group theory and over pick up artist techniques he uses. Mystery (Erik von Markovik) is the most well known pick up artist, featured in 'The Game' bestselling book by Neil Strauss (Style), and on the reality TV series 'The Pick Up Artist' from VH-1.

Microsoft Word Office `97. His company, Venusian Arts, has Revelation as its entry level product for guys starting to learn to use. From there they can buy additional products to learn more advanced techniques or get some real live coaching on a bootcamp with Mystery or his coaching team (Matador, Lovedrop - Chris Odom, J-Dog and others). The idea is that Revelation give its students many revelations in the way they think about dating women and if they wish, becoming a pick up artist.

The Venusian Arts are the term that Mystery has labelled everything to do with meeting, attracting and developing relationships with women. Thus his company has been named after it. This video is only a summary of the full review - to learn more see: Check out over 1,000 other dating advice for men products and the Dating Skills Review Top 50 Ranked at - A look inside Venusian Arts' Revelation eBook, the top rated pick up artist learning manual. This critical review explains what it teaches about picking up women and what it doesn't.

We answer 'Is this book the real deal? What will you learn? What is the bad and the good of what you will learn from it - and what won't you learn. The bottom line - we answer Is it worth buying?'