The idea for this post came from a discussion I saw on Facebook. Someone asked: • In your RPG how can you read from a particular member of a file? • By default which member is read? • How can you read all the members of your PF in your RPG program?
• How can you find out which member is being read? The answer for the first question is to use the EXTMBR in the File specifications. I will not go into details about this as it is covered in. The answer for the second question is that when a program opens a file with more than one member, by default, it opens the first member, which is the oldest member as that was the one created first. The third and fourth questions I combined into my own scenario: I want to have a program that reads all the members in a multi member file to find a particular record and identify which member this record is in. I created a file, TESTPF, with two members, ONE and TWO (I know I will not win any awards for giving things in my posts interesting names). A R TESTPFR A FLD1 10A A K FLD1 I added data to the file to allow me to track which member was being read: Value of FLD1 Member ONE Member TWO 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 0 0 You could use the OVRDBF command in CL to override the member parameter to all members, MBR(*ALL), see below.
Easiest way to read all the members in a multiple member file. In the File specification of the RPGLE/RPG IV program. Support for access to. Web Programming with RPG. The program can perform any database access. Are stored in the following physical file: For an RPG program to process this.
I have set the override scope to *CALLLVL, therefore, only programs called by this program will have the override, and when this program ends the override no longer exists. OVRDBF FILE(TESTPF) MBR(*ALL) OVRSCOPE(*CALLLVL) Or you could use the EXTMBR keyword in the File specification of the RPGLE/RPG IV program, see below. FTESTPF IF E K DISK extmbr('*ALL') In both cases the members are processed in order. In other words when all of the records from the first member have been read the program will start reading then the records in the second member. This answers the third question posed at the start of this post. Before I show program RDALLMBR1 I want to explain the File Information Data Structure.
It is a data structure that contains feedback information associated with a file. I like to use it as an externally described data structure. I have this data structures in.
Below is the DDS for my File Information Data Structure. A R DUMMY A FILLER1 8A A FILEOPEN 1A TEXT('File open') A ENDOFFILE 1A TEXT('End of file') A FILESTATUS 5A TEXT('File status code') A OPCODE 6A TEXT('Last operation code') A ROUTINE 8A TEXT('Routine name') A SRCSTMTNBR 8A TEXT('Source statement No.'
Cooking Basics For Dummies Pdf. ) A FILLER2 8A A ERRMSGID 7A TEXT('Error message id') A FILLER3 30A A FILE 10A TEXT('File name') A LIBRARY 10A TEXT('Library name') A FILLER4 26A A MEMBER 10A TEXT('Member name') A FILLER5 122A A RCDFORMAT 10A TEXT('Record format') A FILLER6 258A The data structure is 528 characters long, therefore, the parts I am not concerned about here by I have coded as Filler fields, FILLER1 - FILLER6. DS field Description FILEOPEN 1=File open. ENDOFFILE 1=End of file encountered. FILESTATUS File status code, I am not going to lilst them here but I am going to refer you to the IBM web site.
Visual Basic 2010 Utorrent. OPCODE Last operation code performed to file. ROUTINE Routine last operation occured in.