Sequence Card Game Layout

Cat's Cradle Contributed by Michael Bourne () Layout From the top of a 52-card pack, lay out sixteen cards in a square formation, four by four, setting out the cards from left to right and from top to bottom. The remaining 36 cards form the stock. This layout is made up of a total of eighteen straight lines (marked red in the diagram): four horizontal lines, four vertical lines and two diagonal lines, each of these ten lines containing four cards; four diagonal lines of three cards; and four diagonal lines of two cards. Aim of the Game To use up all the remaining 36 cards in the stock. Rules and Method of Play i. Only one card can be moved at any one time.

This card may be either a singleton or a top card or subsequently revealed card in a stack. A card may be moved only on to a card which is opposite in colour and of one higher rank, (e.g. K on A, A on 2 ). A card may be moved only on to a card that is also positioned on one of the same vertical, horizontal or diagonal lines indicated above, but it may be moved in any direction along these lines.

A card may not be moved into a space. During a sequence of play, a card may be moved more than once provided that it is via a card of opposite colour and of one rank higher, and on to a card of the same colour and rank.

Sequence Card Game Layout

In the example, below.) This kind of move is quite common. It enables a card to reach other lines and to bring into play other cards in the layout. A sequence of play consists of moving around those cards that can be moved and creating spaces in the layout. Disk May Fail Soon Vista Install on this page. In the process, stacks of cards are built up. Nero 2014 Crack Winzip on this page. When a player reaches the point of being unable to create any more spaces, the new spaces in the layout are filled in with unseen cards from the top of the stock.

After the spaces have been filled in from left to right and top to bottom, the next sequence of play commences. The game continues until no spaces can be created during a sequence of play, or all 36 cards from the stock have been successfully played. (Remember that the more spaces you are able to create in a sequence of play, the more cards you will use up from the stock. The ability to create as many spaces as possible will increase with experience and the application of the techniques set out below.) Example of a sequence of play for this initial layout. J 9 8 3 Q A 9 9 7 Q 2 2 4 4 6 6 i. A move with no option. A move with an option.

Serial Number Diner Dash 2 there. Jan 26, 2012 If you're looking for card layout, there are at least a couple different versions pictured in the gallery. See Sequence. Sequence Game Rules: How do you Play Sequence. Sequence game rules it states that if you fail to take a card before the next player takes their turn you lose the. See 8 Best Images of Sequence Board Game Printable. Inspiring Sequence Board Game Printable printable images. Sequence Board Game Sequence Board Game Make a Sequence.