Picks up all gems, potions, gold, tomes, pages and magic items; Will sell, keep, or salvage any items; Demonbuddy is awesome for leveling; Demonbuddy farms gold for you.
Leading company for automatization software, so called bots for MMORPG's. Hey want to buy a lifetime license for the demonbuddy! Honorbuddy the Bot for World of Warcraft. Bossland Gmb. HLeipziger Str. DE - Germany VAT DE2.
ForumLink: [i][u][url= ]BosslandGmbH:About Buddy Products[/url][/u][/i] Other articles in the category. This Wiki article is not the legal Terms of Service for your Buddy product. Instead, we attempt to answer common questions about fair use of your Buddy product. About the Products Figure 1.
A 'Session' (blue arrow) is the connection between the Bossland GmbH product, and the corresponding game client it controls. What is a Session? The Buddy bots are capable of attaching to and driving a single game client.
Autocad 2015 Crack Product Key And Serial Number. This activity is referred to as a 'Session'. It does not matter which 'toon' on your game client is being controlled.
If you have multiple game accounts, you can use any of them with your Buddy bot's Session. If you wish to change toons or accounts, you must select your new toon in the game client and log into the game world, then you must restart your Buddy bot. If you wish the Buddy bot to control more than one game client simultaneously, you will need to purchase a Session for each active game client. How are Buddy Products sold?
The Buddy products are composed of two parts, just like the game clients themselves—Buddy products have a 'client side' and a 'server side'. When you buy a session key, you obtain access to the Buddy product 'client', and access to the information the client needs on the Bossland GmbH servers. Session keys are offered in a number of configurations: • For the curious. Bossland GmbH offers a short duration 'trial access' session key. This key is good for up to thirty days (depending on the particular product), which should allow plenty of time to evaluate if the Buddy bot is for you.
• For regular users. Longer duration single-session keys are available.
These session keys typically last from one month to a year. • For power users. Long duration multiple-session keys are available for purchase.
These are typically offered in 'three session' configurations that last one year. The issued keys will expire when their duration has elapsed. The clock does not start ticking on these time-limited keys until they are used for the first time. No matter the duration selected, all session keys have access to product updates, and access to the Bossland GmbH servers for the duration of the session key.
Detailed information about session keys available for purchase can be obtained at the corresponding Buddy bot 'store front'. Buddy Product Fair Usage With regards to the unusual nature of Buddy products, questions commonly arise regarding payment and usage. Illbleed Dreamcast Iso S.
In this section, we address these questions: Are Buddy products tied to my computer or IP address? Like a game client, Buddy products are only concerned with your account details (provided by a valid key).
They are not interested from which computer or IP address you wish to use the Buddy product. So I can download the Buddy product to all my computers? When you try to launch a Buddy product, it will ask you for your product key. The Buddy product does not care about any details other than the key. What happens if I try to use a single session key from more than one computer at the same time? Umax Astra 5800 Scanner Driver For Windows 7 32bit on this page. The Buddy product on the second computer will indicate you have reached the maximum number of sessions supported by the key.