Slap Palin GameSlap Hillary Game

Anti-violence advocates are coming out against a game promoted by a Republican super PAC that allows users to virtually ‘slap’ Hillary Clinton. -- a nonprofit, nonpartisan, advocacy committee –- resurrected the old game this week to help bolster its mission to stop the former secretary of state from running for president. But advocates say that no matter the group’s views, encouraging violence against women is wrong and they’re campaigning to have it taken down.

Download Bitch Slap/Punch Sarah Palin 1.0 for Android. You must be pretty sick of hearing this lady talk. Tags: slap sarah palin game, bitch slap. is tracked by us since September, 2013. It was hosted by OC3 Networks & Web Solutions LLC, 123server Inc. Donde Puedo Descargar Un Antivirus Gratis Yahoo. Republicans have joined anti-violence activists in decrying a game that allows players to virtually slap. The “Slap Palin” game was. Pelosi feigns outrage over ‘Slap Hillary. Of the left are mum about “Slap Palin,” a far. On “ Pelosi feigns outrage over ‘Slap Hillary’ game.

“Violence against women is not a joke,”, a group that aims to fight sexism and expand women's rights, wrote on its petition to have the game removed. “It's disgusting, it's outrageous and -- regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum -- it has no place in our politics.” The game in question when they see fit. Physiotools Crack. Another game posted to the site allows players to force Clinton to dance and a third enables users to get President Barack Obama and former first lady into a street fight. The group, which lists Christopher Marston -- a Republican campaign consultant and a former member of the Bush administration -- as its treasurer, has been forthright about its intentions. It wants to by exposing her past and analyzing her would-be presidency for the public and national political press corps,” the super PAC wrote on its site. It also claims the game is justified because the group didn’t see the “liberal media” cry out when the game was released.

Regardless of the justifications, advocates say the game simply has to go. 'This ridiculous behavior is why no amount of 're-branding' is going to help Republicans win over women voters -- they just don't get it,' Jess McIntosh, communications director of which works to elect pro-choice Democratic women to office, said in a statement, according to CBS. 'Violence against women isn't a 'game.' Slapping a woman for speaking isn't actually a joke. It's just gross.'

Chemkin Ii User Manual here. Add your voice to the petition.